updated 2024-03-19
hi! I'm marton, part time student of computer science at BME, and part time science and data enthusiast.
I seek out and strive to understand complex systems, including AI, neurobiology, quantum physics, and bionics.
When not studying for university, I'm most likely either learning about the above topics, working on my own projects, or lifting weights.
You can find what I'm currently occupied with on my now page.
tidbits about me:
- My username, csumpasd is always lowercase, and is pronounced choom-pashd
- My name, marton, can be capitalized, depending on how formal you want to be, but I prefer it lowercase as well
- I daily drive macOS, and use Nix flakes with nix-darwin and home-manager to handle packages and dotfiles
- I enjoy tinkering and building things, examples include a custom lighting system for my living space, a keyboard with my custom-designed pcb and firmware(wip), and random cli scripts to make my life easier
- I'm really interested in philosophy and psychology, with the likes of Camus, Nietzsche and Freud being some of my favorites
- Self-improvement is a big interest of mine, and one of my goals in life is to be the best version of myself I can possibly be
- Victor Mono is one of my favorite fonts mostly because of these sweet cursive italics (although its web rendering kinda sucks, probably an issue on my part though)
some of my skills:
- Python and libraries (pytorch, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, etc)
- C, C++
- Experience in *nix server administration, computer networks(incl. firewalls, vpns, reverse proxies, dns, etc), and the *nix shell that I've picked up from >8 years of self-hosting
- Docker, Ansible, general cloud experience(mostly Linode)
- SysML, and designing fault-tolerant systems
- PCB design, soldering, basics of electrical engineering
- Rust
- Swift, SwiftUI
- Java