now page

this is a page where you can see what i'm occupied with "now". i ocassionally post here with whatever is going on; projects, life updates, existential crises, and all that. if you've never heard of a now page, read this.


i've re-written the website! well, almost; i still need to finish the system that will allow me to actually publish my notes. i'd love for them to finally see some daylight. regarding the website, i'm proud of this version, but i'm sure there are still a lot of areas of improvement. if you see any, please send me an email.

i've submitted my thesis a few days ago. now the only thing separating me from a degree is the final exam. after that, i plan to attend various research programs and learning opportunities, some of which are already confirmed.

right now, i'm resting, studying for my last exam here, working on my projects, and participating in advent of code in rust (i've written a cool framework for it, check it out on github).

i've also been dealing with addiction, and have been extensively researching the topic. it's so interesting how my adhd and my childhood trauma combine into such a strong pull towards escapism. if you want to discuss the topic, feel free to send me a message.